Resources in English

Here you can find some resources related to the detection of fake news and to the promotion of digital literacy by using intergenerational approaches.
Resources are constantly updated, covering new trends and practices in the field of digitalization. We hope you enjoy watching and reading them. If you want more, just register to the academy and enroll in one of our free courses.


TEDx Talk

Identifying misinformation

Fake news – and how to spot it

How false news can spread

Fake news generator: who starts viral misinformation?

BBC Learning English ‘’Fake News: Fact and Fiction - what do you know about information?’


Articles and other links

On the European and international political dimension of coordinated disinformation campaigns: EEAS Special Report on Disinformation and EU funded projects in the field

Information related specifically to disinformation campaigns around Covid-19

Link to initiative Verified of the UN

Links to initiatives and research institutes working on disinformation and effects on election and democracy

Link to the website of the EU initiative Klicksafe. Here you will find a lot of information about digital, digital services and current topics for different target groups.

Eu vs Disinfo: flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force

Journalism, ‘Fake News’ and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training

The Technology That Will Make It Impossible for You to Believe What You See

How youtube is facing misinformation

Deepfake geography

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